Friday, December 07, 2007

Semana passada, conversando com uma amiga, resolvi desabafar e confessar meu estranhamento em relação a uma nova amiga iraniana. Meu estranhamento estava todo relacionado em primeiro lugar, obviamente, à minha ignorância; em segundo lugar, estranhava uma moça de 23 anos com um véu na cabeça, blusas de manga comprida, tapada (literalmente) dos pés à cabeça. E questionei (ainda na conversa via google chat com minha amiga) até o (mau?) gosto da iraniana, em querer ser nossa amiga, dado o background judaico e toda cultura sionista do Michael. "Ela gosta de você porquê você é legal", minha amiga falou. E me recomendou um livro, Persépolis, de Marjane Satrapi.

No mesmo dia, comprei o livro na Amazon e graças à eficiência do sistema de correios norte americano, o recebi no dia seguinte. A primeira sensação que temos, quando lendo Persépolis, é uma necessidade incontrolável de não parar de ler, seguida de um apaixonamento inevitável pela personagem principal, ela mesma, Marjane Satrapi. Filha de pais marxistas, bisneta de um dos últimos shahs do Irã, Marjani por lá nasceu e cresceu em meio à crescente opressão das liberdades civis em consequência da revolução cultural. Sua visão infantil (e depois adolescente rebelde) dos acontecimentos é no mínimo emocionante. As ilustrações, sempre num fundo preto, são simples e lindas. Persépolis é uma pérola que me tirou da total e completa ignorância: há mais na Pérsia que meros tapetes.


girino said...

"há mais na Pérsia que meros tapetes"

Claro... tem os gatos!

Caroline W. said...

Como pude me esquecer deles?????

Global 21 Capacitación en idiomas said...

Caroline, I always read you blog and enjoy it a lot.
Now,I´d like you to visit a blog of Portuguese activities (Portugues do Brasil), since you are Brasilian! My intention is to offer audio-visual material of study for Spanish speakers who are learning Portuguese. I will appreciate any comments you want to make (even to critizise!). And, if you happen to know interesting links on the web to get to know about the cultural, social or any other aspect of Brazil, I´d be very thankful.
All my best wishes,

Caroline W. said...

Dear Marcela,

I've visited the website that contains activities for Portuguese learners. It is very, very good! I like the way you mix the listening or reading activities with more pleasant ones, such as listening to songs. It is definitely a very good addition to the course, I hope your students make good use of it.
Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with websites that talk about Brazil's cultural and social aspects. However, I do have a book that I always lend to foreign friends who wish to travel to Brazil and that, in my opinion, says everything about the way Brazilians live and are. This book is called "Culture Shock: Brazil" by Volker Poelzl and it describes us so well (in both cultural and social levels), that it's actually fun to read it.

I will definitely keep my eyes open now for interesting Brazilian websites so that I can refer them to you!



Anonymous said...

Thanks Caroline for your comments! One of my main concerns was to make sure that the blog contains some interesting stuff for Portuguese students, and at the same time, doesn´t sound artificial, if you know what I mean. I got good feedback from my Portuguese teachers (the ones who really know the language!), but I needed native Portuguese speakers´ opinions as well.
Thanks so much for the book recommendation. These days I´m resting after a knee arthroscopy. I´ll go buy the book as soon as I am on two feet again. I was just thinking that it´s amazing how you get in contact and get to know a bit about strangers on the net and so, I feel I should tell you something about myself. You are sharing a tiny bit of your life in your blog, and you know nothing about me, and I am a reader of your blog! So, I am 40, I am a teacher of English as a Foreign Language, and I have an English and Portuguese teaching company. I live in City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am married to Nicolás, another entrepreneur who works in systems and who is a poetry writer as well ( he writes in Spanish, but just in case...) and we have 3 wonderful children: Manuel: 14, Violeta, 10 and Carolina, 4 years old. We have a number of pets: a dog, a turtle, fish, a rabbit (incredible how he interacts with the dog!) and gerboes that keep having babies... this is like Animal Planet!
Generally I have very busy days, giving lessons, coordinating the work of my teachers, trying to expand my entrepreneurship,plus being a mother (this alone is a full time job). I do love my job, especially teaching, but I am constantly trying to come to terms with so many priorities at the same time; it´s a crazy life, really.
I love reading (fiction, science fiction, poetry, anything well-written will do), I love music (all sorts), I love movies. I do love my family. I love my friends, though it´s sometimes difficult to see them because we are all so busy... I would definitely like to have longer days, or more spare time, or a combination of both. I also enjoy going to the gym, but this will have to wait until my knee gets better.
Caroline, thanks once more for your kind answer.
Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Muchos cariños,
